Identifying and 报告偏见事件 at 九州娱乐官网



    九州娱乐官网 is committed to fostering a welcoming community for all students, 教职员工. An informed awareness of the climate on campus is an essential part of 九州娱乐官网’s efforts to create a supportive academic, residential, and professional environment for our diverse population. 九州娱乐官网 has developed a system for reporting 事件s involving bias 事件s that include a Bias Education 反应小组(BERT). 的 BERT is responsible for serving as an educational role to continue cultivating the values of 九州娱乐官网.  

    According to the 九州娱乐官网 student 手册, the College does not tolerate conduct that may be considered a bias 事件 toward any of its students, faculty, staff, and community members. 书院期望其 students, 教职员工 to refrain from acts of intolerance directed at other members of the community, including (but not limited to) harassment, hate speech, 和歧视. 的 College does not seek to limit freedom of speech, including hate speech, but instead wants to ensure all its members can participate fully in College events and activities without fear of bias, intimidation, or harassment due 他们的身份.



    偏差事件 – any behavior or actions directed against a person or property that includes the use of slurs or epithets expressing prejudice on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression, but is not a criminal offense.

    Examples of 偏差事件s:                 

    • Offensive social media post
    • Tampering or defacing property
    • 暴力行为
    • Using offensive language or slang based on a person’s identity
    • Distribution of hateful literature

    仇恨犯罪 – 的 FBI defines a hate crime as “a criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” According to the Civil Rights Division of the Office of the Attorney General, the state of Maryland law correspondingly protects people from crimes threatened or committed against them because of their “race, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or national origin, or because another person or group is homeless. For more information on the definition and classification of hate click 在这里.  

    注意: All hate crimes are bias 事件s, but not all bias 事件s are hate crimes.

    Microaggressions - Brief common exchanges that are often automatic and unintentional verbal, behavioral and environmental indignities that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative insults to a targeted group or individuals based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression.

    Examples of Microaggressions:

    • Excluding a person due to religious practices
    • Comments that single out a person based on their identity
    • Not acknowledging a person’s race

    Common college campus locations w在这里 bias 事件s occur nationwide:

    • 学生宿舍
    • 社交媒体
    • Off-campus social settings
    • 教室


    教师 or staff members, students, or visitors who experience or observe bias 事件s, including hate crimes and microaggressions, are strongly encouraged to report these 书院意外事件. For immediate assistance or in the case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety at 410-778-7810 24/7.

    Persons may self-identify or anonymously report bias 事件s by filing a bias 事件 通过CARE报告. Students, staff and faculty may report a bias 事件 through the CARE system; please 点击这里.  Bias 事件s reported by faculty, staff, students, and visitors are reported directly to the Director of 跨文化事务.

    注意: 的 BERT team does not normally issue required sanctions. Instead, the team is authorized to provide educational opportunities. In some cases, BERT team will offer these educational opportunities in addition to any sanctions that may arise from an official adjudication process (either the student conduct process or the employee conduct process).

    BIAS Education 反应小组(BERT)

    的 bias education response team aims to foster a safe and inclusive environment by providing advocacy and restorative education to any individuals that have committed a bias 事件 or acts of discrimination.  This team is charged with reviewing alleged bias 事件s and providing educational resolutions that encourage the growth of the individual that address historical injustices and social inequities. 此外, when appropriate the team will refer 事件s for conduct action.

    In addition to reviewing bias 事件s, the BERT team will:

    • Make recommendations to administration as how to best foster a welcoming and inclusive 校园环境.
    • Prepare an annual report detailing the number and type of 事件s reported. 的 report will include how 事件s were addressed.
    • Develop and distribute information defining bias 事件s; including the bias education 响应协议. Publications will remain current and consistent with the student 以及员工手册.

    过程 & Tracking of 偏差事件s

    For students, behaviors that reflect bias or discriminatory action may constitute a violation of the 九州娱乐官网 Honor Code which is the basis for the student 进行系统. For employees, these behaviors may constitute a violation of policies governing employee conduct. Every bias 事件 has a unique context that requires consideration before developing a response. Whether it is a contained or a community bias 事件, timely and transparent response to the immediate concerns and follow-up 将会实施. At any time, the Bias Education 反应小组(BERT) may contact other campus and community resources to aid in either handling the process or helping any campus community member involved in the bias 事件.

    的 following steps will guide the BERT team in response to the bias 事件:

    1. 报告将会被审阅 to determine nature and level of severity. 原告将 be contacted if identity known. Guided by the wishes of the Complainant, party or parties responsible for initiating the bias behavior will be contacted. 对于最严重的 cases, the BERT team will convene for immediate action.
    2. 收集初步报告. Verifiable information will be collected from Complainant or parties and parties involved in the alleged bias 事件. 报告将会被审阅 with the BERT team to provide details of the 事件.
    3. Notify and issue resolutions in writing to the parties involved in the 事件.
    4. Meet with Complainant to facilitate services such as counseling, health services, or other support as needed to ensure the safety and to give assistance and comfort to the victims(s) or others in the campus community.
    5.  As appropriate, develop and implement an appropriate plan to initiate communication with the broader community, student leaders, and members closely involved with the 事件.

    6. Make appropriate referrals for conduct action, when necessary, to other offices, such as: VP for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, Human Resources, 跨文化事务, 及公共安全.
    7.  Follow up with the parties involved in the 事件.

    8. Notify the Complainant and parties in writing of the results of the investigation. Information obtained about the complaint will be treated as confidentially as possible, as guided by federal and state laws such as FERPA and the Clery Act.

    偏差事件s Resolutions

    的 BERT team has developed resolutions that will assume an educational role in fostering a climate that is inclusive, civil, and has mutual respect for all individuals in the 九州娱乐官网 community. Based on the severity of the alleged bias 事件, it may result in a referral to the appropriate conduct process and for student respondents, it may result in an Honor Board hearing. 的 educational resolutions from the BERT team may include, but are not limited to:

    • Reflection paper/project on 事件. 的 paper/project will include answers to reflection questions that are specific to the 事件 that occurred. 的 reflection paper/project aims to foster growth with the student, ensure that they have processed the 事件 that took place, have critically thought about their role, and describe what they have 学会了.
    • Immersion experience with reflection. 的 goal of the immersion experience is to expose the student to environments w在这里 they can learn from experiences that are different than their own.  的浸 experience will also have a reflection paper/project component to highlight what was 学会了.

    Bias Education Response Team (BERT team)

    Representation of this group includes: